When an officer administers the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus test on a driver suspected of driving while intoxicated, the driver must track a moving object (officer’s finger, pen, light, etc.) with his/her eyes while keeping his/her head stationary. The officer will watch for a wobble or jerk in the eye (nystagmus) as it follows the stimulus from side to side. Consuming alcohol often causes this naturally slight wobble become more pronounced. Officers look for 3 clues of intoxication when using the HGN test: a lack of smooth motion in the eyes, a jerky motion in the eyes when turned to the maximum point (left or right), and a jerky motion in the eyes when looking up at 45 degrees. Although these clues may indicate intoxication, many other factors can also cause the characteristic wobble or jerk in the eye. To discuss your pending DUI or other alcohol-related charges, call Azari Law at 301.362.3300 today.

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Compassion, Hard Work,
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Honesty & Integrity
We take great pride in our reputation for putting forth
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