Rockville Family Law Lawyer

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Family Law Lawyer Rockville, MD

Divorce is often hardest on the children. Divorce is difficult for any child to go through, and while many people think it is only younger children that suffer, that is not the case. Parents may believe there is nothing they can do to make the process any easier, but that is also untrue. If you are going through a divorce, the following steps may help make the process easier for the kids.

Keep Your Regular Routine

When going through a divorce, you will have many deviations from your regular routine. You may have to meet with your attorney and attend settlement conferences as well as court appearances. Even with all of this going on, it is essential to keep your schedule as normal as possible. If your children have extracurricular activities, make sure you continue to ensure they attend them and that you do, as well. Make sure you keep the routine the same as home, even if it’s something as simple as sitting down together for dinner every night.

Create a Co-Parenting Plan

It is not uncommon for one parent to move out of the family home before the divorce process even starts, or at some point during the proceedings. In these cases, it is essential to establish child custody and parenting plans with your spouse. It can reduce the stress on children if they know they will continue to spend time with both parents during and after the divorce. Agreeing to a parenting plan can also make it easier to resolve this issue during the divorce. Your family law lawyer can help you come up with a fair, temporary plan, as well as file the temporary order with the court, if necessary.

Do Not Bring Drama into the Home

A Rockville, MD family law lawyer, understands divorce will be one of the most stressful events in your life, and it is not unusual for you to feel angry, sad, and frustrated. While you cannot put these emotions away when you walk into your home, it is crucial to shield your children from them as much as possible. Although it is sometimes healthy for your children to see that you experience these emotions and that you healthily work through them, you certainly do not want them to take over every interaction with your children.

Talk to Your Children

Your children will have questions about the divorce, or they may simply want to talk to you about the emotions they are feeling. You must sit down with them and answer any question they have and listen to the feelings they are trying to work through. Also, make sure that you do not only talk with your children when you first tell them about the divorce, but throughout the process and afterward, too.

Child Support and Child Custody Modifications: What You Should Know

Our family law lawyers know firsthand the agreements that must be made when two people determine that they will end their marriage by filing for divorce. For couples who share children, decisions surrounding their care will be a top priority and most likely some of the most challenging agreements to reach.

Typically, those decisions will involve where the children will live, how parents will make decisions in their child’s best interests, and child custody arrangements. Often developing agreements surrounding children are emotionally fueled and challenging to work through. Know that parents will need to modify agreements made over time due to changes of circumstance in some cases. Should this occur, it’s in your best interest to contact Azari Law, LLC for the proper guidance.

Reasons Agreements Are Critical

When living together in the same household, it should be no surprise that co-parenting can be incredibly challenging. However, when two people choose to no longer be in a relationship with one another, the prospect of co-parenting can bring forth entirely new challenges. Sometimes, you may believe that it’s possible to sort things out without a formal agreement in place.

However, be aware should you and your soon-to-be-ex choose to move forward without an agreement, conflict, complexity, and confusion are sure to follow. Having clear arrangements for child custody and child support in place is critical for several reasons:

  • Keeping routine can help children feel well adjusted, secure, and clear of what each day will look like
  • Clear child support agreements ensure that the child’s standard of living and basic needs are met
  • Prevent the likelihood of confusion or contention down the road because each party lacks understanding or has varying expectations
  • All involved will have a sense of where and when children involved will spend time with each parent.

Without clear agreements outlining expectations, our team knows that there is a high likelihood of issues arising. Our team can ensure that arrangements are developed that keep your best interests at the forefront of the process.

Understanding Modifications for Child Support & Child Custody

Over time, agreements that were made at the time of divorce may no longer be relevant. As a result, parents may seek to modify current arrangements that are in place. Here are some reasons to request a modification of your current arrangement:

For Child Custody:

  • One parent is unable to take care of the child or is being put in harm’s way
  • One parent is moving out of state
  • The current visitation schedule is not adhered to by one or both parents

For Child Support Modifications:

  • There has been a change in income
  • The non-custodial parent has additional children
  • The child no longer lives with the custodial parent
  • Expenses for the child have increased

Requesting a modification should be one of the first steps taken if your agreement is no longer appropriate for your child’s needs. As a parent, it is your responsibility to ensure that the child’s needs are kept at the forefront to mitigate adverse impacts that may arise. If your current arrangement is no longer working, contact Azari Law, LLC. Our family law lawyers are standing by to assist you with the next steps.

What Child Support Covers and Doesn’t Cover

Child support is awarded in order to cover the expenses for providing a home, clothing, food, and insurance for a child. However, as any parent can attest, there are also other expenses that go along with raising a child. This often brings up the issue as to what exactly is child support supposed to cover and should there be additional expenses that a noncustodial parent should share with the custodial parent.

Each state has its own laws as far as calculating child support obligations. Some states use an income share method that uses both parents’ income to determine the amount, while other states take a percentage of the paying parents income, based on how many children the couple have, and determine the amount that way.

A child support attorney can explain to you what the rule is for the state you live in, however, in general, the courts will look at the larger picture of all the expenses that are involved in each particular case. There are the basics that were mentioned above, food, housing, clothing, and medical care.

But the courts can also examine other expenses that involve the child to determine how much of a financial responsibility each parent has. For example, if a child has been attending private school, there are often extra costs besides just tuition. These extra expenses can include uniforms, tutors, school supplies, and fees for school activities.

Your child support attorney can make sure that the courts are aware of these extra expenses and request that the other parent shoulder a percentage of the costs, above what the child support obligation for the child’s basic needs are. Other expenses that can be include in this category include:

  • After school care
  • Babysitters
  • College tuition and expenses
  • Daycare
  • Nannies
  • Private or group lessons
  • Sports fees, including uniforms and equipment
  • Vehicle insurance if the child has a car

Although child support can be used to cover some of these costs, the majority of these expenses will go beyond what the allowed calculation of the basic needs of the child are. It is not an uncommon situation for the custodial parent to not have enough to cover all of these expenses after taking care of the basic needs costs. This is why it is important to have the court make a separate ruling on these types of expenses.

Let a Child Support Attorney Help You

If you are dealing with child support issues, you need a seasoned child support attorney who will fight to get you and your family the financial benefits you deserve. At Azari Law, LLC, our legal team has built a solid reputation for getting our clients the best possible outcome available with the circumstances of their case.

We will aggressively advocate for you and your child in making sure that your ex-spouse pays his or her fair share for the costs of raising your child. Contact our office today to set up a free and confidential case evaluation and to find out what legal options are available to you.

4 Things a Family Lawyer Can Do

There are a lot of legal processes involved in creating a family. This can be anything from getting married, moving into a house, or having children. A family law attorney can advise you to make good legal decisions that set you and your family up for future success.

1. They Can Work On Prenuptial Agreements

If marriage is on the horizon, you may want to consider getting a prenuptial agreement with your future spouse. This agreement is a contract signed by two people before they get married. It states how assets will get divided in the event of a divorce.

Prenuptial agreements are not just for the wealthy. Should divorce come, the agreement can help streamline the legal process and eliminate arguing. Every case is different. A family law lawyer in Rockville, MD, can work with you and your future spouse on how to divide both of your assets.

2. They Can Work On Estate Issues

You may think that drafting a will is a distant process. However, sudden misfortune can happen to anyone. A will is a legal document that states how you wish your estates to be managed after you pass away.

These documents can be tricky to draft. Several moving factors can include your assets, your spouse’s assets, and who you’d like to be your benefactors. The lawyers Azari Law, LLC, are happy to help you find a good solution.

3. They Can Work On the Divorce Process

It may be a situation you never want to go through. However, divorce can happen to anyone. The length of legal proceedings varies. Some factors can include if there’s a prenuptial agreement or if there are children involved. It can be a draining time regardless of extenuating factors.

Know that Azari Law, LLC, can help you through the process. Lawyers have experience with legal proceedings and can advise you every step of the way.

4. They Can Work On Child Custody Cases

If you and your ex-spouse have children, you will have to agree upon how to share custody of your children. Prenuptial agreements cannot dictate how child custody will play out. Upon divorce, you and your spouse have to reach an agreement. If you can’t agree, a judge determines custody.

A family law lawyer in Rockville, MD, can help you with your custody plan. They can help you negotiate with your ex. If it goes to court, a family lawyer can help you navigate that process.

Rockville, MD Family Law Infographic

4 Things a Family Lawyer Can Do Infographic

4 Tips for Telling Your Kids About Your Divorce

You and your spouse may feel good about your decision to divorce. But telling your children about your plans to end your marriage may feel a lot harder. A family law lawyer in Rockville, MD from Azari Law, LLC can help you with the legal side of the process and the following strategies can help you break this major news to your children.

1. Pick the Right Time

Telling your children about your divorce is something they will likely remember for a long time. Choose the right time to tell your children that you are ending your marriage. For example, do not tell your children about your divorce the day before one of your children’s birthdays. You should also tell all your children about your divorce at one time, instead of having this conversation separately with each child.

2. Write Out a Script

Any family law lawyer in Rockville, MD can tell you that divorce can be an emotionally difficult process, even if the split is relatively amicable. To help yourself prepare for this conversation, work with your spouse to write out a script. Write down exactly what you plan to say and what kind of issues you need to address to help your children feel secure and informed.

3. Answer Your Children’s Questions

Your children will likely have many questions after you tell them about your divorce. Try to answer your children’s questions as thoroughly as possible. And make sure that you do not blame the divorce on your spouse. Make it clear that the divorce was not your children’s fault and be open and honest in your responses to their questions.

4. Prepare for a Variety of Emotions

Your children may experience a range of emotions after you tell them about your divorce, and some of them will be unexpected. Plan on providing your children with extra attention in the coming days after this conversation, so you can better support them emotionally. If your children seem to be having a difficult time processing the news, it may be helpful for them to talk to a counselor.

Your family law lawyer in Rockville, MD from Azari Law, LLC can help you move forward with the divorce process as you put together child custody plans and work through other issues. Remember that your children will take time to get used to the idea of your divorce, but this will happen eventually.

Rockville Family Law Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I went through a divorce, and my ex-spouse never pays me on time. I always have to call so that I can see a check. Can you help?

A: This is a common problem for many people, especially when it comes to spousal support or alimony. One thing we can do is get an order for a wage assignment. This means that the court will have your spouse’s employer take out a certain amount of money from their paycheck to get paid to you directly. You may have already set up a schedule with your ex-spouse about when this will get sent, though this schedule may change because it will be in line with when your ex gets paid, not with what the court initially stated.

Q: My ex now lives with someone. Do I still need to pay spousal support?

A: This will depend on a few things. First, is your ex in a relationship with the person they are living with? If they are simply roommates, spousal support would likely continue because the other person cannot be expected to start taking care of your ex. On the other hand, if your ex is in a relationship with this person and they are cohabitating, it likely means there is not as big of a need for your support. Our team has seen support reduced or cut off in these circumstances.

Q: If I lose my job, will I still be required to pay child support or alimony?

When there is a significant change in a person’s financial status, they may pursue child support or alimony modification to the court. However, we may suggest not stopping payments unless necessary until the court approves your request for modification. We can help you complete the required paperwork and review it before submission to make sure you are making a strong case. The court may reduce the amount you pay or halt it temporarily until you have found employment.

Q: How long does the divorce process take?

The length of time it takes before your divorce is final will depend on many factors. A divorce may take years if it is highly contested, and the spouses have trouble reaching divorce agreements. However, by having a family law lawyer on your side, we can help move things along quicker, especially if your ex is being anything but cooperative during this time. Sometimes, all it takes is strategic legal intervention and strategy to coax an ex into being cordial and less combative. On average, a divorce takes between six months and a year from the date of petition filing for it to be finalized.

Q: What are the factors that determine whether alimony will be granted?

If you are the dependent spouse, you may be able to get alimony through negotiations with your ex during the divorce settlement. Otherwise, it will be the court that makes this determination based on the following factors:

  • Duration of marriage
  • Age of both parties
  • Earning capacity of each spouse
  • Ability to obtain employment for each spouse
  • Standard of living during the marriage
  • Whether one spouse devoted his or her time to child-rearing and domestic duties so the other could pursue career goals
  • Whether one spouse needs time to take an educational course and training to obtain employment

Q: Is it necessary that I hire a lawyer for my divorce?

Even the most amicable divorce may require help from an experienced family law lawyer. Divorce is a complex and emotionally charged process that can stir up many intense feelings. Not only may you be grieving the loss of your marriage, but you will then have to negotiate terms of your separation with someone you probably thought you’d be with for a lifetime. Typical topics of discussion that a lawyer can help you navigate with your ex include:

  • Child custody
  • Child support
  • Alimony (spousal support)
  • Division of marital assets and debts
  • Visitation schedule
  • Ownership of pets
  • Who remains in the family home

Q: I’m worried that my children are in danger when they visit my ex. Is it possible to stop visiting with them?

A: While courts want children to be able to see both parents if possible, if you believe that your children are going to be harmed when they visit your ex, you should speak with your attorney as soon as possible to get them out of a dangerous situation.

Choosing an “Approach” to Your Divorce Process

Just as every marriage is unique, so is every divorce process. There is no “right” or “wrong” way to approach your divorce. There are simply different approaches to the divorce process that you may choose to embrace for various reasons.

Oftentimes, a traditionally “contentious” approach to divorce that requires judicial intervention is spoken about negatively. However, this approach may serve your best interests if you and your spouse struggle with fundamental differences concerning property division and/or child custody that cannot be resolved via more collaborative means. Additionally, a litigated divorce process may best serve your needs if your marriage was affected by domestic violence.

Conversely, if you and your spouse disagree about some of your property division and/or child custody terms but hope to be able to reach a consensus without judicial intervention, you may benefit from working with a Rockville, MD family law lawyer at Azari Law, LLC on a mediation-based or attorney-led negotiation strategy to resolving your differences. These processes will allow you and your spouse to determine the terms of your divorce without a judge determining any aspect of your post-marriage fate.

Finally, you may be able to work with our firm to simply “cross your T’s and dot your I’s” if you and your spouse have drawn up a draft divorce agreement that simply needs to be formalized. No matter which approach to your divorce process you choose, opt for the one that will best serve your overall goals for your divorce process. If you are unsure of which of these approaches will best fit your needs, don’t panic. During your risk-free consultation with Azari Law, LLC, a Rockville, MD family law lawyer on our knowledgeable team will answer all of your questions and provide you with informed guidance so that you can make the best possible decision for your unique situation.

Property Division Considerations

When thinking about your property division goals, it can be helpful to make a list of all of your major tangible, intangible, and digital assets and accounts. Don’t forget to include particularly sentimental property on this list, even if it is not worth much monetarily. Take time to consider what property you absolutely will not negotiate about—meaning, that if you had to go to court to keep it, you would. Then, consider what property you’d like to have but is not a “deal breaker” for you. Finally, consider what property you’d be willing to concede to your spouse without too much hesitation. Making a list of your property division priorities can help the experienced Maryland legal team at Azari Law, LLC to craft a property division strategy that best fits your needs at this time.

Preparing for Your Divorce in Practical Ways

When you sit down with a trusted Rockville, MD family law lawyer from our firm in a risk-free consultation setting, don’t forget to ask any questions you may have about preparing for divorce in practical ways. If you are concerned about making big purchases, opening new accounts, transferring beneficiary designations, etc., please voice those concerns to us so that we may be of service in ways that can help you the most.

How does a family law lawyer assist in the process of divorce?

In order to apply for a divorce, each spouse will need to meet the residence requirements of the state and county in which they live. Our experienced family law lawyers have a thorough knowledge of Maryland divorce statutes – we will utilize our years of experience to the best of our ability to create an individualized plan that aims to help you and your family through every step of the divorce process.

How can a family law lawyer aid in defining terms of child custody?

If a couple has minor children, the division of parental rights and responsibilities is usually an important issue in their divorce.  Custody traditionally has consisted of two components: physical custody and legal custody. Physical custody is the amount of time that the child lives with each parent, while legal custody is the authority of each parent to make major decisions affecting the child’s upbringing. Our experienced family law lawyers have a thorough knowledge of Maryland child custody statutes – we will work to create an individualized plan to help you and your family through every step process that is in the best interest of your child or children.

What is child support and what does a family law lawyer do within the process?

If a child is financially dependent on a parent, the parent has an obligation to support the child.  This obligation usually extends until the child becomes an adult, but it can extend further in some cases if the child has special needs or has not graduated from high school. In most cases, the parent who spends less time with the child will have to pay child support to the parent who spends more time with the child. A family law lawyer can help with the process of payment modification by helping to show that a substantial change in circumstances has occurred.

How does a family law lawyer help with the alimony process?

If your spouse’s income potential is dramatically different, your marriage was relatively long, your low-income spouse depends on your high-income spouse, and you are accustomed to a higher standard of living, then alimony, or spousal support may be appropriate. A family law lawyer can also assist with the process of terminating alimony, if for example, the recipient spouse remarries or cohabits with a partner and is no longer eligible for financial support.

How does a family law lawyer help with property division?

The first step in property division involves determining which assets are marital property and which assets are independent property. If marital property is mixed with separate property, or the value of separate property increases during the marriage, determining the characteristics of the asset can be complicated. An experienced family law lawyer will be able to aid in evaluating the various assets and help work towards an amicable property division agreement.

I have been considering adoption, how can a family law lawyer be of assistance?

Adoption involves the process of assuming the legal rights and responsibilities of the parent towards a child. It may involve the termination of the biological parent’s existing rights, or the biological parent may have already agreed to terminate his or her rights.

There are many different reasons that someone may need to hire a family law lawyer in Rockville, Maryland, like one from Azari Law, LLC. Continue reading to see if we can be of assistance to you. When in doubt, you can always set up an initial consultation to determine what the best steps for moving forward may be. If you do not need a lawyer on your side, you do not need to hire one after your initial consultation. If it is advised to enlist the assistance of a lawyer, however, you should not ignore this advice. A family law lawyer will not only be able to better protect your assets, but he or she can likely protect your rights as well. Having good legal assistance can be completely lifechanging.

You Need a Lawyer to Assist in the Divorce Process

Unfortunately, one of the most common reasons people hire family law lawyers is to go through the divorce process. Divorcing someone is hard, whether the marriage was long or not. There are many different things that go into this. People need to divide their assets fairly, may have to figure out where their living arrangements will be, and even decide on life changing issues like child custody and child support. You need to have a good lawyer on your side, even if you and your soon-to-be ex spouse are splitting up amicably.

You Need a Lawyer to Help with Child Support and Custody Issues

One of the biggest points of contention after going through a divorce is figuring out how to make everything work best for your mutual children. A lawyer will fight for your rights and help you figure out the best possible plan for your children. This can be both filing for child support assistance as well as determining where your children will live when the divorce is finalized. Judges are trained to do what is the absolute best possible situation for the children involved, as they need to be protected. Your family law lawyer will know how to best present your case to have the greatest possible chance of winning a case for you.

You Should Hire a Family Law Lawyer if You Are Adopting

You need a family law lawyer when your family is splitting apart, but you also need one when you are building a larger family. When you are adopting, you need to make sure that your rights and the rights of your new child or children will be protected. You need to have the right paperwork in place to make the adoption legitimate, even if you know the person who you are adopting a child from. An experienced lawyer from Azari Law, LLC will be more than happy to facilitate this process for you.

Contact Azari Law, LLC Today

If you are struggling to deal with divorce or other family law-related issues, don’t hesitate to contact our law firm to find out more information. We can address your questions and concerns over a consultation. So if you want to learn more about how we can help you with family legal problems, contact our Rockville, Maryland family law lawyer from Azari Law, LLC now.