Getting Your Seized Property Back

Civil Asset Forfeiture Lawyer Having police officers come and take your property can be devastating. After all, the police are supposed to protect you, not take away your rights or property. However, when the property you own has been linked to a crime, the government has the right to take that property whether you were…


Caught COVID at Work? Here’s Why You Need a Lawyer

  As we slowly ease ourselves out of the pandemic, we may find ourselves wondering about our futures. Will we go back to the office? How will my job change? And, as work injury lawyers like our friends at Rispoli & Borneo, P.C. can remind us: How will I pay off my medical bills? Unfortunately,…


Las 5 Condiciones Inseguras Que Los Peatones y Conductores Deben Evitar

El incremento de muertes por atropellamiento de peatón va en aumento año con año en Estados Unidos a pesar de que los automóviles modifican y mejoran sus sistemas de seguridad para evitar atropellamientos, la cifra sigue en aumento, existen diversas causas que señalan porque esta cifra continúa creciendo. Este incremento de accidentes por atropellamiento a…


Not Only Famous People Get Cosmetic Dental Work

Personal Injury Even though we are going to tell you about famous people who have had cosmetic dental work done because it is fun, please know that the majority of people who get cosmetic dental work done are not famous people and many people are nowhere near rich according to a cosmetic dentist. If you…


How Can A Lawyer Prove Medical Malpractice?

A medical malpractice lawyer knows that not every medical error is a case of medical malpractice. Sometimes medical errors just occur and there is no negligence involved. In order to prove that medical malpractice occurred, a medical malpractice attorney needs to prove four elements to a jury or judge. 1. There was a relationship that…
