DWI in Maryland

Driving While Impaired (DWI) is a less serious charge than Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol (DUI), and results from a breath test measurement of between 0.07 and 0.08. It can also result from some degree of impairment in a driver’s coordination, as observed by an officer during field sobriety tests. The maximum penalties are…


DUI in Maryland

Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol (DUI) is a more serious charge than Driving While Impaired (DWI), and results from a breath test measurement of 0.08 or higher. It can also result from substantial impairment in a driver’s coordination, as observed by an officer during field sobriety tests. The maximum penalties are 1 year in…


Second Degree Assault in Maryland

In Maryland, second degree assault includes three types: intent to frighten, attempted battery, and battery. Intent to frighten must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt by proving that the defendant had both the intent and the ability to place the victim in fear of physical harm or offensive contact, and that the victim reasonably feared…


Blasi v. State – Traffic Stops in Maryland

Although the Court of Appeals decided the driver was not driving unsafely prior to the traffic stop in Rowe v. State, leading to a reversal of an evidence suppression denial made during trial, the same was not decided in Blasi v. State. In Blasi, the driver was stopped for substantially crossing the right shoulder line…


Rowe v. State – Traffic Stops in Maryland

Rowe v. State is a case in which a driver was stopped for briefly crossing the right shoulder line twice on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. After being pulled over, the officer determined that alcohol was not a factor, but did find that the vehicle was a rental vehicle and…
